Follow rules and use polite language
Listen effectively and pay attention to detail
Work Cooperatively with others
Use time effectively
Complete given chores, tasks, and/or assignments
Clean up behind yourself
Prepare properly for school and instruction
Organize your belongings (ex. bedroom, book bag, notebooks etc)
Take pride in your work
Take good notes
Return completed homework
Attend school regularly
Model positive behaviors
Be honest
Show respect for self and others
Go beyond expectations
Accepts responsibility for what you say and do
Why is reading aloud with my child valuable?
it helps develop oral language
it increases vocabulary
it increases attention span
it helps develop a sense of story
it demonstrates fluent reading
it develops the knowledge of how books are structures
it sets the situation for discussing complex ideas and/or sensitive issues
it engages your child in reading for enjoyment
it helps develop a warm caring relationship between you and your child
Tips for Reading Aloud with Your Child
Select a book that is slightly above your child's reading ability
Read picture books to very young children
Select a comfortable environment and an appropriate time
Look over the cover of the book and have your child predict what the story is about and what might happen in the story
Read with expression and occasionally stop to talk about what has been read
Match the length of reading time to your child's attention span
Always make this an enjoyable time for both you and your child!